Wikiwhy? (or the brain is a terrible thing to waste)

11 05 2009

First of all about the brain.  Got a head injury playing soccer and sustained a skull fracture.  Thankfully no hearing loss or long term damage expected.  It does however get you thinking about how whether the class is virtual/hybrid/or bricks and mortar, you need your brain to do anything while there.  Lots of flashes of mortality and thoughts about how my profession is totally based on my brain and what it would be like to lose any of that facility.   Thankfully everything turned out okay and I can go back to soccer in June.  Hooray for flying elbows, crushing headers, and concussive shots to the face!

Now to some relevant content.  Before I got my melon thunked I was thinking about the myriad uses of a wiki in teaching/learning environments and I thought I’d list a few.  So here it goes in simple bulleted fashion:

First and foremost is the ability to make an easy to access and updateable course site for a class.  Wikis don’t require the kind of skills that full html or php web design take and it means you can make a robust, multi-paged site pretty easily.  For me the most useful aspect of this is creating a much more enriched syllabus that can be constantly changing and allows for relatively simple low stakes interaction by students.  Not only can I quickly post assignments, but I can upload files, post links to online readings, and even embed media where possible.  This means each class session gets its own page which I can build upon for students and that they can easily access.  Rahter than handing out lots of papers or having them run all over creation for different resources everything can be more centralized and they can focus on the content.  It also gives me a space to put materials that I may use for teaching a class (say a performance video or image) that may not be assigned for reviewing beforehand but are now accessible to them at any point after the class.  If they get into it they can even add stuff that they find interesting and relevant.

Second is that wikis provide a platform for working collaboratively and exposing students to different modes of creation, composition, and assignment structure.  I have done a lot of work with students on group projects, and since many of the real life situations they will face once they finish their education require working in groups it seems to me that these types of assignments provide students with the opportunity to experience the world as they will encounter it.  This is particularly true as social media become a daily part of not only our leisure activities but also our workspaces.  It pays to help students experience both the possibilities of these tools for work but also the social dynamics that come to play in these types of spaces and the way they must interact with others while within these spaces.  Along with the social dynamics of the social media space and the composition possibilities it is also always good to play around with the wikis to help students question and rethink the modes of writing that we are used to and how the creation of content is different when multiple voices are contributing to the same materials.  Testing students comfort levels with changing each other’s work and reworking the contribution of others is often an interesting experiment that reveals much about their approaches to authorial voice, ownership, and creative priviliges.

Third is that wikis are eminently useful in getting students to start working within the world of web publishing.  So much of the writing we do these days is aimed at Internet audiences and those audiences are becoming more accustomed to multimedia presentations of content that it behooves us to include in the process of teaching reading and writing an understanding of how to be fluent as a reader and writer of digital information.  Wikis provide a platform where students can experiment with web publishing with a very low barrier of entry.  They learn a little about coding, a little about embedding, a little about formatting, and a little about the relationship between text and other media such as video and recorded sound.  It is easy to make a page, make a link, and expand the site so that the course site as a whole becomes a place for them to contribute and create and not just a bulletin board of information that I post on (which is all very Web 2.0). I find that by having my students hand in their writing assignments on the wiki they are experiencing the next step of digital composition past traditional word processing.  Although they are usually initially just a little scared of it, by the end of a semester they are much more invested in figuring out how to manage and manipulate different media in their writing and they begin experimenting in ways that I wouldn’t have expected.  Even just having them post their work online where their classmates can see it changes the stakes of the writing as they recognize that other people can see what they are posting.  It is amazing how that social aspect can influence their motivation to complete their work a little bit better, and that is a reality of web publishing after all.

Lastly is the history feature of the wiki.  The fact that every iteration of a page is saved in a wiki allows for a history to become apparent.  This is useful first of all because there is no fear of vandalism.  You can always revert to a previous version and instantaeously erase any mischief.  You can also see a user history to see how individuals are contributing to a group project or see if there are any unusual contributions.  Finally the history is a good tool to watch someone’s ork develop, and you can get a little inside their process which has such a tremendous impact on understanding the way a student works and why he arrives at where he does when handing in an assignment.

Well those are some of the reasons why I use wikis.  The more I use them the more I have come to appreciate their capabilities and the value of there almost infinite expandability.  Most wiki setups don’t have limits to the numbers of pages you can create and they also ultimately accomodate other more complicated language schemas within them, such as HTML and Java.  Would love to hear experiences and opinions about wikis and always willing to answer questions for people who have yet to use them and are hoping to implement them in their own pedagogical setups.

The conundrum of grading in an IT age

15 04 2009

I went to finish grading one of my classes assignments and lo and behold half of the grading I had done had gotten wiped out in a file corruption problem. (I had been using a word processor called Scrivener which I think I’ll write about more in the future)  Now the file corruption wasn’t a ITP issue but it reminded me of an issue I have dealing with online submissions and how to grade and provide feedback for my students(who are oftenequally confused as to how they will be getting their grades if not back on a piece of paper.  Having students submit work as blog posts or on wikis makes it harder to do the traditional editorial marks that make grading a paper easier.  This means I often have to go to longer lengths to provide an explanation of the location of a grammatical or stylistic problem then provide a lot of the detail that the editorial mark could have provide.  Not to mention that sending them an email with feedback and a grade means they have to bounce back and forth between two different types of e-objects and hopefully something doesn’t get lost.  Things like notation in Word and using discussion pages are options, but they are unelegant with questions of layout and public availability arising.  Right now I am going with this model

1. First of all make sure to do a careful reading, this has nothing to do with IT but relates to good pedagogy in general so worth including

2. Once I have found those things I want to comment on I do one of two things.  I either copy the text I am commenting on and paste into the document where I am recording grade (usually an email or word processing document) or I take note of the paragraph and/or page and where in that section the area I want to comment on is and write that down in the email or document.

3. Next I provide as detailed as possible/or necessary an explanation of why I selected the particular section and what was notable or incorrect.

4. I then provide an equally detailed explanation of what the student could have done differently either grammatically, stylistically or with the content they have chosen to write about.

5. Finally I gather my general perception of the piece and provide them with the number or letter grade I believe they deserve.

This might seem all a little banal but the whole idea of grading IT projects becomes more complex and I will continue to deal with it because in some environments (such as complete online courses) there is so much that is recorded and you have to decide how you should be grading different materials and how you want to grade high stakes and low stakes writing differently.  No matter what though, I think that in the end the benefit of these new methods of handing in materials definitely outweigh the challenges of provding good grading for the students to reflect on.

Random babblings and divergent meanderings

15 04 2009

This is not my first blog and it probably won’t be my last.  Despite having taught with and about blogs, wikis and other Web 2.0-ish tools, I can’t find my way to post regularly on a blog. Maybe it has to do with insecurity about what I write, fear of logorrhea, not quite enough vanity, or the fear that no one will ever read it, but for whatever reason it’s been a no go to this point.

Now thought the time seems ripe to try again.  With the Academic Commons blooming, the tools readily at my disposal, and a developed background of experience teaching with and about interactive technology in educational (ITP, short for Interactive Technology and Pedagogy from here on out) settings it seemed like I should try to share my experiences and see if anyone cares.  So, this blog will be going here and there in pursuit of some kind of . . . well something to be determined.  What I intend to do is muse on how the way I plan my classes is influenced by technology and how the implementation of that technology fails or succeeds on a general basis and with specific examples.  Since I have three classes going full bore right now that are all using blogs/wikis/etc. there should be some good stuff.

I hope that you join me in my (mis)adventures and that you can provide me with feedback about what makes sense, what doesn’t, what you would borrow, and what you wouldn’t do and why.  See you in the ether.

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